| | | | | A Nintendo community for the fans, by the fans! | | | Top 10 Banjo-Kazooie Levels [top ten] | | | | | | | | A bear and a bird. Who ever knew these two animals would co-exist in such a way. After Super Mario 64 released in 1996, the 3D-platformer world was the wild wild west. It was open with possibilities and free for the taking. Since Nintendo themselves had no plans to release a new Mario title until the Gamecube era, Rareware stepped in. This was during the prime period of Rareware, when they were the kings of Nintendo gaming. It was a beautiful time that also brought us Goldeneye and Donkey Kong 64 and many more. The game can be seen as an evolution of Super Mario 64 and for that I fell in love with it. The different moves, the unique and entertaining music, and absolutely the level design. Each level was incredibly charming; something a bear, a bird, or a shaman could love. There weren't as many levels as Super Mario 64 but they were more dense and each one had a unique theme to go along with it. Since there were only nine main levels, a top ten would be kind of tricky. However, because the end sequence is quite full of content anyway, I decided to lump that in as a 10th option, providing me with the minimum needed to perform one of these lists. I have provided links to the music from each of the levels since the game had such beautiful distinct music. I encourage you to play that file along with each reading. | | | | | | Posted: 07/13/13, 06:00:40 | - Edited by | | on: 07/13/13, 06:10:56 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | One you make your way through the game's demo-level, Spiral Mountain, you end up traversing to another mountain� Mumbo's Mountain. This is a rather standard area in terms of thematic design. It features an anthill atop a mountainside and a small area of water with a small area for various platforming. The brilliance of this is that it makes a great initial level to really get your feet wet in this game. While Spiral Mountain teaches you the moves, Mumbo's Mountain teaches you to become proficient at them. There's a giant ape to contend with, ants to dodge, slopes to climb, and Jinjos to find. On second thought, those 'ants' might be in fact 'termites'. Regardless, this is where you start collecting notes and Jiggies and Jinjos to add to your collection and start opening doors elsewhere in the game. The music is light and fun and kind of reminds me of what it might sound to be one of those ants or termites walking around. Speaking of these creatures, it is also the first level where Mumbo appears to help you on your quest. He is a skull-headed shaman who aids you on your quest by performing transformations. In this level, where you only just learned to climb slopes, you must use the ant/termite transformation to climb even steeper slopes. The level isn't too large and it's not that hard to collect everything. In fact, I don't think you even need any other moves or powers making it almost 100% beatable if not 95% in the first go. | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | So far we've had deserts, swamps, boat docks, mountains, and sewers� Banjo-Kazooie had a lot of thematic variety in their levels. To find a haunted mansion themed one kind of comes out of nowhere, fits beautifully with the fact the game's primary antagonist is a witch, and shows you how to have a lot of fun running around a graveyard. The level had all sorts of spooky halloween hallmarks. It had a hedge maze with ghosts, a giant mansion full of different puzzling rooms, a spooky graveyard outside a spookier church� and to top it all off, there's even a toilet! To navigate the house you had to enter through the outside for all the rooms. This meant lots of vertical traversing besides the horizontal movement and is exactly what you'd want from a 3D platformed in the late nineties. The music was very moody and reminds me a lot of the Frantic Factory music from Donkey Kong 64 which came later. While it was neat and tricky to navigate the level as a bear with a bird in your backpack, things were even trickier and more fun when Mumbo would transform you into a pumpkin. A hopping pumpkin with big oogly eyes. I actually use an image of this as my Halloween-themed icon around the forums here. Pumpkin Banjo is a basic but neat transformation that I always appreciated! I mean� how else would you fit down a toilet� but don't do that�. why would you� right?� right?� ;) I felt that was a perfect way to end this paragraph but I had to mention that church again. It's huge with huge pews and a huge organ you must also traverse and even play. The game's levels always seem to expand from what they initially appear to be. I love that about this game. | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | The very best level in the game is hands down Click Clock Wood. I just had to say it first thing this paragraph. Luckily this is also the final primary level before the final gauntlet. That means that the gamer is treated to a game that gives you good stuff all the way through and ends it with a bang. Click Clock Wood for starters features one of the best songs in the N64 library. It samples the bird enemies from the game, crickets, some kind of flute� it's all very wonderful and whimsical. What's great is that there are three other themes besides the primary Spring theme. Fall, Winter, and Summer are song varieties because this level features four different facets. You enter it four different times and experience the changes that go along with the changing seasons. For instance, there's a large flower that will grow depending on how late into the year it is. Our buddy Gobi even shows back up here only for you to piss him off again. He finally threatens to go to the lava world� of which Banjo-Kazooie has none. It's a clever nod to the future of the series with Banjo-Tooie. There's also a large lake which will either freeze over or dry up a bit depending on things. A beehive goes from buzzing and busy to busted and decrepit in the winter. You experience an adorable baby eagle grow into an adult. All of this takes place around a large towering tree. The height is arguably the highest in the game, perhaps only being matched with Treasure Trove Cove's lighthouse. You can choose to climb up the tree, jumping over gaps and pecking back at the birds. Or if you so choose, you can speak with your buddy Mumbo one last time for one last transformation. In Click Clock Wood you end up transforming into a bumblebee� making it cool well before Mario tried in Super Mario Galaxy. The whole level oozes charm and despite going into it four times in a game already about collecting many things, the 100 notes, 5 jinjos, 10 jiggles, they all are spread amongst the four so it's not multiplied in any way. In fact, this allows the level to breathe a bit. It's not surprising the the level with the big tree and nods to nature ends up being the most organic of them all. This level will have you using all of your arsenal of moves. In the winter for instance the same snowball-tossing snowmen are back and you have to take them out in a new arena. This level alone I believe is the main reason anyone needs to play this game. Luckily for them, there's a badass game to get through before you reach it. | | | | | | | | | | | | | Posted: 07/13/13, 06:07:41 | | | | | Posted: 07/13/13, 06:12:39 | | | | | Posted: 07/13/13, 06:35:50 | - Edited by | | on: 07/13/13, 06:39:25 | | | | | Posted: 07/13/13, 06:39:39 | | | | | Posted: 07/13/13, 06:43:15 | - Edited by | | on: 07/13/13, 06:43:48 | | | | | Posted: 07/13/13, 06:46:16 | | | | | Posted: 07/13/13, 06:48:13 | | | | | Posted: 07/13/13, 07:01:52 | | | | | Posted: 07/13/13, 07:05:30 | | | | | Posted: 07/13/13, 07:09:18 | | | | | Posted: 07/13/13, 07:16:42 | | | | | Posted: 07/13/13, 07:21:49 | | | | | Posted: 07/13/13, 07:33:51 | | | | | | | | I like the fact that this list was made even if I can't get behind the rankings. Any list like this that doesn't have Rusty Bucket Bay at the very bottom, I just can't see eye to eye with. The level is claustrophobic, made a difficult mechanic even more difficult unless you're using cheats what with the oily water, and it has the single, most unforgiveably difficult Jiggy challenge in the game: turning the engines off in time to swim to the front of the ship and collect the Jiggy behind the propellers. And while I really enjoyed Click Clock Wood, I still found it a little tedious... After all, you can only utilize Mumbo in like one of the seasons (maybe two; I forget), and with only a few minor exceptions, the level just consists of making you climb the same giant tree four different times with little changing about the actual ascent part aside from the platforming getting a little easier for the most part. I found most of the other levels to be more interesting. A very quick (and therefore subject to change) ranking for me: 10. Rusty Bucket Bay 9. Bubblegloop Swamp 8. Freezeezy Peak 7. Grunty's Furnace Fun/Final Battle 6. Click Clock Wood 5. Mad Monster Mansion 4. Gobi's Desert 3. Mumbo's Mountain 2/1. Treasure Trove Cove 1/2. Clanker's Cavern I can't decide whether I prefer TTC or CC. I really like the exploration of Clanker and the various things you can do to help him out, but I also like the wide world with everything there is to do in TTC (plus it's the level that introduces flight). I probably should rank Mumbo's Mountain lower than I have it, but it was such a perfect introductory level that I couldn't help but rank it that highly. I have absolutely no complaints about MM. It could be a little bigger, but if it was, it wouldn't feel like the intro level that it's supposed to be. The only common thread I can see in my bottom 3 are that they all feature water that hurts or debilitates you more than normal water, so that may or may not be telling. But I guess it is true that I'm not a fan of the stay-out-of-the-water mechanics in most video games. Then again, Treasure Trove Cove featured a similar mechanic, but it was delayed much more (and avoidable) than it was in those other three levels. | | | | | | Posted: 07/13/13, 09:11:47 | | | | | Posted: 07/13/13, 09:23:59 | | | | | Posted: 07/13/13, 12:53:08 | - Edited by | | on: 07/13/13, 12:56:01 | | | | | | | | @gamewizard65 The Twinklies were always one of the hardest spots in the whole game for me. @Secret_Tunnel Do it! @V_s Excellent write up! Honestly, growing up Rusty Bucket Bay was always my least favorite one. I admit it is claustrophobic and what not but in retrospect I found surprisingly that I enjoy it more than I originally did. I note this about the fatigue that sets in around that point of the game but by the end of it I was always having fun. There's no doubt that the platforming inside the engine room is tricky and at times just plain frustrating.... but somehow I was able to be okay with that in the general whole of the level. I love Clanker's Cavern too and so it's weird I put it at the 10th spot but really, all these levels are amazing and perhaps six months from now or six months ago I would have placed Clanker's Cavern at a different spot on the list. There is definitely something to love about that level. This list really makes me sad that Banjo-Threeie... turned out to be Nuts and Bolts. Who's idea was it to fix what wasn't broken? | | | | | | Posted: 07/13/13, 15:54:26 | | | | | | | | DrFinkelstein said: @GameDadGrant Also I felt such tension in escaping the shark for that one honeycomb in the ocean.. That was the point I realised the Rare guys had a sick sense of humour, So I'm cautiously poking around the coast, exploring what I can without getting attacked by the shark. And I spy a lonesome little island way off shore. Surely there must be something good there? Right? Throwing caution to the wind, I swim out as fast as I can, staying just ahead of Snacker. And what do I find when I make it to my destination? Nothing. A pointless spot of land with a signpost: 'Sharkfood Island'. Oh crap. Of course that turned out to be the resting place of a bonus egg later, but it was still annoying at the time | | | | | | Posted: 07/13/13, 17:20:43 | | | | | Posted: 07/13/13, 18:31:54 | | | | | Posted: 07/13/13, 19:57:21 | | | | | |
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